Sunday, July 04, 2010

Current location: vivo city.
Activity: pedi
Company: mom
Mood: stoned. Relaxed.

Just sent dogs for grooming. Sunday is usually the only day of the week that I get to choose what I wanna do. And the day always seem to be shorter than the other days. :( happy times always go by faster, isn't it?

So what have I got for today? Meeting JQ for lunch later...and going to try on this ballroom costume, hopefully it fits and I can start bargaining the price and I will get to hv a new look for the next comp (of cos improved dancing too!!)

A friend asked me when I will stop dancing. The answer is: till the day I NEED to stop. Otherwise I will always plan my time so that I can still do dancing competitively. Dance: what is it that keeps me going?
1) keeping my body in shape
2) the desire to move up the ranking
3) the adrenaline rush on the dance floor :D ooowww
4) lastly. I am one of the lucky souls who have found sth I love, and can do well in. So...what's stopping me?

I have little time to think about life. Sitting back...i realize I'm getting old! But yet, I have grown wiser, richer (aha...fei hua. Who will get poorer, so nth to be proud of), found someone I love and who is willing to take care of me, met my doggies who have given life a different meaning... Matured at work, and improved in my dance. What more can I ask for?

Love life.


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