Tuesday, January 02, 2007

HaPPy 2007! Girls!

Btw, there are only 7 of us...cos 2 other went to buy bread for us. haahaa. TOO BAD.

1st January 2007, Monday, was spent with all 8 other sisters, full force....taking graduation photos at 黎明 studio in Clementi. It was HORRIBLE HORRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLY......fun. I can't explain this, I think the photographer might just hang our photos outside the shop. ahhaha. I think he has never met 9 mad old women who grab ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in the studio and use them as props for the photo shoot. hurrrr this is crazy. We took easily over 30 shots. At first we havent warmed up....still allow him to '处理'. But soon, most of us couldn't surpress our creativeness already *tsk tsk* and once he gave the green light to "自由发挥" we literally scrambled everywhere, to every corner of the studio to pick up whatever's lying around. LIKE....those chinese antique vase with flowers (and...dropping the whole bouquet on the floor), long red scarf....ratten basket which maids in the olden days used to carry to their 心上人's house, paper umbrella that 小倩 carry??? paper fan......wadever....we looked like 八仙过海 in the oil painting.

And before the actual photo shoot, HOURS were spent dolling ourselves up in the studio, touching up 4 times? And ade kept asking the photographer (who is NOT old) "UNCLE! 我美了吗???" or "UNCLE! 这个pimple 我要 photo-shop 掉..." or others will go "眉毛可以 photo-shop 吗?" VAIN POTS............I was the one who asked abt eyebrow though. *guilt*

13th Jan we'll be celebrating nana's bdae and selecting photos at the same time. Meanwhile, here are some self-taken photos before the photo-shoot. gladly...these look normal. HUGS sisters. Looking forward to our CNY re-union dinner.


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