Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CNY's coming. It's less than a week. And I was scrambling to get a set of decent CNY clothes during lunch just now...when you aim to buy sth, it is normally unfruitful. True enough, couldnt find anything that is festive enough, yet normal enough for everyday wear. In the end, I gave up...anyhow got myself some very boring clothes, just as a back-up in case I cant find anything in these few days. STRESS. Even buying clothes can be stressful...haha.

I finally went to visit Dr Loke again yesterday. Im getting outbreak again and it seems to be uncontrollable, and they are giving me scars...on my jawline and my back. Not good. So, Im on antibiotics my beautiful pink pillbox is back in my bag. Why do I always have skin problem.... :( Go away la. But so glad to have found Loke Loke... thanks to bb ling for recommending.

Going for Mikhail's ballroom lesson in a while. His lessons are always effective...made dancing much easier. Hope we'll do well in the coming Asia Tour in March, and before that...I gota get new shoes...and alter many things to do. Gota go...what gloomy weather.


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