Friday, December 10, 2010

It's year end again. How time flies...

It is a year where a lot of effort was put in dance, yet achievement was way below expectation. Dance dance and more dance, and definitely a great deal of stress arising from this. It is indeed a year which my passion for dance kind of died down, and rekindled, and ... went somewhere and came back and...u know, just confusing. Perhaps, I really should think simple. Dance should really be put back in its simplest form.

Friends (1). I'm pretty disappointed in some...but I guess it's part and parcel of life. There will be some form misunderstanding here and there, but I believe things will get better, as long as we remain true to ourselves. Still, through this I learnt that noone should hide his/her emotions if they get hurt and no friends should ever intentionally / unintentionally say things to put others down. Be frank, and tell the other party that you do not like how you are treated...dont bottle things up and then blow up and ruin the friendship. But I guess...some things are gone case already, so no point trying too hard to fake it. But at least going forward, no more hiding...I believe that is the best way to move forward.

Friends (2). I am glad I have some really close friends and colleagues-cum-friends who are always there for me. I can really feel the sincerity in these people, and I know I can do almost everything for them. They truely love me, I know. :)

Work. I'm glad Siew Lim is back. We can laugh and talk rubbish and do our report at the same time and still get it done efficiently. Good colleagues make a difference. :)Thanks for the lovely xmas present too! Love u! This year at work has been rather challenging...but I have also learnt alot especially in terms of leading projects. But I guess, I must learn the art of delegating...!!!

Love. I found the right man to take care of me, someone who has me as his top priority. I am very sure he is the one who will be there for me for the rest of my life. :)


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