Thursday, November 04, 2010

The intensive lessons have started. Just calculated, and that makes it easily 5 lessons per week. I don't know if my wallet and brain and body can take it...but it's either do or not do at all.

Wednesday was an eye opener. I was told - the girl's job is to look beautiful. Ah huh...I know. To change her costume and look totally every comp - that means a hole in my wallet. Yes... And more visits to hair salon. Not forgetting the demanding training...being a lady competitive dancer seems to suggest she has to make herself a celebrity. My gosh.

This comment was made - you have to look stunning at every practice...every moment. This is not easy...I am not a born model. Urghs...I shall improve in all these aspects one by one...

But thanks for writing notes for us. Look forward to the next meet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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