Monday, February 21, 2011

Preparation for a new beginning

How fast...it's already towards the end of Feb. The past weeks have been really tiring, major brainstorming on our new house. ID or no ID? Modern / Retro / Chinese / Vintage / Country style? We (I mean I) changed our mind so very often...and one day, I went to Great World City with the intention to check out Iwannagohome and Molecule, and ended up falling in love with Laura Ashley instead. From then on, my conversation never left Laura Ash...and my whole mind was on the beautiful upholstery and distressed pieces I saw. Bought the 2008 and 2010 catalogue and spent my sleeping hours browsing, and excitedly arranging the imaginary furniture in my mind...

SO it's decided! Laura Ash sofa and armchair it shall be. Soothing and calming...this is what will make my future home. Im surprised JQ likes my theme too...few guys will agree with baby blue, pink and pastel colors, not to mention country flora curtains. I'm so happy the items are more or less decided...at least those in the living area. After doing extensive furniture shopping (i really mean EXTENSIVE...i'm kinda getting tired)...the guest room's set is also 90% decided upon. So is my bedframe, vanity table and standing mirror...and not forgetting our study room. The shelves and writing table have also been concluded...guess we'll stop our research for the timebeing. We have even decided on the clocks! We are ready to order them...but guess it will take quite some time for shipping etc. I am really very excited abt this... :)

Went for my second fitting today. Gosh, I have to eat more...definitely. My gown gets looser everytime I go for fitting! First step: drink fresh milk...Brandz Berry Essence and Yumeisho every night! Ok, pause...ok to drink milk now.

Hmmm....ok enough abt my hse and wedding prep. Received my performance evaluation last week. Glad that my efforts paid off, and I hope to maintain my standard this year, though it is a real challenge given the stress on the personal front. Not to mention dance, the Asia Tour in Jakarta is just round the corner. It's been long since I last competed, and this will be the first time competing in the standard category under Mikhail's training. Personally felt the improvement...and I really hope to do well. I just need the confidence and focus to dance like how I do in the studio. The next few practices, it will be nothing buy continuous dancing to train the muscular memory, and of cos mental strength. I believe that will give us alot more confidence. JIAYOU!

Alrighty. I'm gg to catch some youtube, and prepare for my beauty sleep which I am so so deprived of. Night!