Thursday, March 10, 2011

It’s March, and in no time 1Q of 2011 will be over. We’ve done a lot of work for our wedding and new house in the early part of this year, while we were still very excited (well the excitement for the house is probably 100x more than the wedding itself). To me, the wedding day itself despite being a highly important date, is nothing compared to what comes after that….the reality. I only want a simple, cozy affair, with the right people to share this special occasion with me. As for the house, our excitement was forced to die down cuz of some hiccups in key collection, but it’s on the way finally. We couldn’t proceed in confirming certain big items cos we’ve got to see the house first, to avoid making any grave mistakes…so our shopping and buying was forced to a halt.

Tickets for my make-up artist (Maggie) and photographer (Hina) have been confirmed in on 4 May. That’s pretty soon…big problem here now is, I haven’t quite decided on how I want my evening gown to be. I really can’t make up my mind. Third fitting for my bridal gown will be next week, and by then I must decide on the evening gown design. But can’t believe I am so lazy to think about it! So to prepare ourselves to be pretty and handsome models for the photos, JQ is on intensive diet plan a.k.a Herbal Life. It is amazing how he can shed 5 kg in less than 3 weeks and still going strong…most importantly, he is not starving himself! It’s all about being discipline, eating a healthy diet, and proper health supplements. For me? I’m trying to get some INNER SHINE! :P Been taking the Brandz inner shine fruit essence everyday, avoiding potato chips and caffeine, drinking 2 litres of water (with Aloe Tea) everyday and health supplements from Herbal Life! It seems to work…now I feel healthier and prettier (I hope :P)

On the dance front, I’m preparing for the next comp in JB. Had lessons yesterday…and Mikhail went back to basics (or rather started teaching the basics). Glad that he recognizes our weakness and target on the right things at the right time. We’ve got about 2 months to prepare…and I hope to bring our dance to the next level. We can, and we will.

So many things going on in my life now…is it good or not…


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