Sunday, March 27, 2011

Poor cookie. He's been sitting like this whole day long. Guess the wound still hurts...but fluff has been running and jumping around per normal. Wish cookie a speedy recovery...

Finally, my evening gown fabric has been settled. Guess my choice is always too exotic...haha. But it's all worth the effort la...I like some my gown to show my personality. :)

Good news over the weekend too. We can finally collect our house keys next week. The first things we gona to do will be the bathroom blinds, wallpapers and the balcony flooring. The following weekends will only get busier...

After weeks on herbalife, I've succeeded in putting on 2 kg of weight, with body fats reduced and muscle mass up. :) JQ has lost more weight too... And his tummy is gone. So he's now confident enough to tailor his it done over the weekend too. :) love it. Fits his cool character.

Gg for practise soon. YeAh!


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