*baby bear....lurve*It's the end of MAYBANK, at least for the main audit. Financial statements are out....and the admin stuff is wad is left of it, I tHInk. I AM NOT interested. Monday marks the start of my one week seniors course.....yeah. Slacking time? I love to take course with my lovely babes....hope me and yy won't laugh hilariously in front of instructors again. ~More updates on the course soon!~
Soo...end of Maybank is sucha relief. I am sooo stressed, cos I need sleep soo soo much. And I dOOn't get it. And waking up early in the morning is sucha chore. But I will miss the team...never ever in my engagement have I ever met sucha crazy team. It is really out of my expectation. They all look so serious, but when night falls.....xxxxxx. Only WE noe wad WE mean, right? Loo Loo and Bin Bin, Big & Small Ting Ting and roYroy...? Still, I don wana step into that ANG MO KIO maybank centre again. The client is such an idiot. That MXXLEN made me cry. Slap her lar....ask her everything, she goes "how will we knoe??". Ask somemore, she says " I dono wad's ur problem now...". DIscuss for another 5 min....she goes "I TOLD U......................!!!" Btw, she is a bitch, at least for the day. PMS lah...slap her! I shld have taken a photo of her ugly face and post it here, so that u ppl can help me bash her up *erm...be careful of the PC screen though* Soo...I left the client's place with tears in my eyes...and you came to pick me to office. Wanted to act...but i burst out crying for abt 5 min? I think it's the first time i am bullied soo badly by the client...they even complained...I WANNA QUIT lah. bye bye shitty work. You were really sweet...thanks for the baby bear. I love her.....and u too.
*we got durians to eat at maybank carpark!*
*hunky hunky biNbIn...I like~~ hahahha*
*look at his constipated look*
*this is in the office....KPMG. lalala. It's almost 5am when i took this....*hmm...I had the happiness dinner tonight, over the past 1 mnth, with my baobei LINgLinG. Too bad...my conniebabe is not here. nm, HOT YOGA tml!! Gona celebrate shawn's bdae for him tml too....arrrgh, HuiJing gg back MSIA! nah, we meet again when u come back. NEXT week's gona be heaven. LEt's gooo shopping and temple together girl!! Orh, ya, i was at my dinner. So ling and me had korean food (arrgh, me and shawn having korean food tml AGAIN)...i shld just quit and get a job in that restaurant. Den...we were very very full, but I INSisT gg for a drink at coffee club, cos it's MY first early day ler!! *erm...i left office at 9pm lar...earLy??* And this clumsy ting has to sweep my untouched strawberry smoothie onto the ground. And have to pay double the amount to get a new drink. rooooaaaaarrrrrrrr! oh ya, i think my brain abit slow nowadays. When i broke the glass, I din even noe wad happened...and had NO reaction, but to just stare at the mess on the ground, while Ling scREaMED in front of me. EVERYONE in the vincinity turned to look at us....i hate this. kill me please, thanks alot.
*ling ling smile is soo sweet in this photo - SEE THAT SMOOTHIE??*
Arrgh, i am stressd. I've neglected my dance, for a long long time. Sorry partners. latin comp on the 26th...ballroom on the 27th...and my dance is a piece of shitty shit. It's okie.....gona put in TONNES of effort this week. MY BIRTHDAY is coming........lalalala......i wan i wan i wan present! and lots of LOVE LOVE LOVE! tata, off to bed. *happiness*